Researching Your Coachella Valley Home

There are many resources to help you research the history and background on your home. You’ll learn interesting facts, about not only your property, but what life, and the area was like at the time.

Previous Owners, Society Events May Be Researched With Old Phone Books At Libraries Or:

PS phone books online which has phone books from 1930 to 1969.

Old Social Registers – lists names, addresses and social club information – available at the HSPD Museum.

Los Angeles Times Archives

New York Times Archives

Palm Springs Life

The Villager

Desert Magazine

Local Newsletters such as Wheeler’s Desert Newsletter & Cahuilla Weekly

Palm Desert Social Directory & other local organizations’ directories

Old newspapers used to publish permit information.

Additional Online Resources

USModernist – largest open digital archive of Mid-Century Modern houses in the world

White Pages

Facebook: Mid Century Modern on Facebook, South PD Facebook, Palm Desert Natives